FINCON CONSULTING ITALIA, a design and consulting office specialized in steel and composite structures, is the team leader of the LASTEICON project. The company takes its power from the wide experience of its founders in the field of civil and structural engineering research, development and design. Merging strong academic and research skills with practical experience Fincon engineers provide cost-effective and innovative solutions by means of advanced analysis tools for complex problems. Prof. Carlo Andrea Castiglioni, full professor at Politecnico di Milano, Technical Director of FINCON, participated as coordinator/partner in several RFCS projects (SEISRACKS1, SEISRACKS2, FUSEIS, INERD, STEELQUAKE, MEAKADO, ADBLAST, PROINDUSTRY). He presently is the coordinator of the WG “Steel and Composite Structures” within the drafting panel of the Italian Building Code, and has a long academic experience in both numerical and experimental research. Alper Kanyilmaz, research fellow in Politecnico di Milano and consultant of Fincon, is experienced in full scale experimentation and advanced numerical analysis in the fields of steel and composite structures, seismic isolation, dissipative devices, industrial silos, and racking systems. Since 2010, he has been involved in 7 international research projects (EU-RFCS) and has published 40+ articles in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences.
FINCON CONSULTING ITALIA, a design and consulting office specialized in steel and composite structures, is the team leader of the LASTEICON project. The company takes its power from the wide experience of its founders in the field of civil and structural engineering research, development and design. Merging strong academic and research skills with practical experience Fincon engineers provide cost-effective and innovative solutions by means of advanced analysis tools for complex problems. Prof. Carlo Andrea Castiglioni, full professor at Politecnico di Milano, Technical Director of FINCON, participated as coordinator/partner in several RFCS projects (SEISRACKS1, SEISRACKS2, FUSEIS, INERD, STEELQUAKE, MEAKADO, ADBLAST, PROINDUSTRY). He presently is the coordinator of the WG “Steel and Composite Structures” within the drafting panel of the Italian Building Code, and has a long academic experience in both numerical and experimental research. Alper Kanyilmaz, research fellow in Politecnico di Milano and consultant of Fincon, is experienced in full scale experimentation and advanced numerical analysis in the fields of steel and composite structures, seismic isolation, dissipative devices, industrial silos, and racking systems. Since 2010, he has been involved in 7 international research projects (EU-RFCS) and has published 30+ articles in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences.

University of Pisa
University of Pisa have been involved in several RFCS projects both as Coordinator (PROINDUSTRY, RUSTEEL, FADLESS, STEEL-EARTH) and beneficiary (OPUS, PRECASTEEL, STEELRETRO, S+G, ULCF, MATCH, ADBLAST, DiSTEEL, INNOHYCO). Prof. Walter Salvatore is a member of the Technical Group Steel 8 “Steel products and application for building, construction and industry” of RFCS, Research Fund for Coal and Steel. He is also member of the ESTEP “European Steel Technological Platform”. ILVA, owner of the largest steel production plant of Europe and one of the largest steel making companies in the world will participate as subcontractor of UNIPI.
Link: https://www.unipi.it/

INSA Rennes
INSA Rennes have a long tradition of research in steel and composite structures with strong involvement in standardization at both National and European Level (EC4 and EC8 with National Annexes). Most of their research projects involve a combination of experimental, theoretical and computational work. The group is taking part to several national and European research projects on steel and composite structures including SMARTCOCO, ROBUSTIMPACT, BASIS and STEEL- EARTH. The laboratory has a large (150 m2) loading platform (strong floor) complemented by a modular frame system which can be built to accommodate specimens and structural models with a wide range of shapes and sizes including full scale specimens. Two servo-controlled hydraulic actuators, with a maximum displacement of 400 mm, are used to applied loads up to 3000 kN. Prof. Mohammed HJIAJ is head of the Structural Engineering Research Group, where he conducts experimental and computational research on steel and composite steel-concrete structures, including seismic behaviour and robustness. He serves on two technical committees, including TC11 and TC13, of the ECCS and is on the editorial board of the French journal Construction Métallique and Associate Editor of ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering. He is the
author of more than 50 journal papers.

Portuguese DeCivil of IST Lisbon
Portuguese DeCivil of IST Lisbon, thanks also to ICIST (Instituto de Engenharia de Estruturas, Território e Construção) a research unit within IST financed by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), the Portuguese governmental research agency, has a strong experience in developing scientific and technological research, promoting innovation and development and scientific dissemination. The Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources has been involved in numerous RFCS projects Prof. L. Calado is a Member of CEN/TC250/SC4
Eurocode 4 – Composite Steel and Concrete Structures and TC 10, TC 11 and TC 13 of ECCS. He has been involved in more than 15 international research projects with competitive funding as leadership or participant. He is the CEO of FUNDEC – Association for Training and Development of Civil Engineering and Architecture, which is the outcome of the affiliation between the Instituto Superior Técnico and a number of Portugal’s top building and construction firms. Prof. J. Proença has an extensive experience in experimental tests and earthquake engineering and structural dynamics (including numerical modelling and design models).

The Institute of Steel Structures at RWTH Aachen University
The Institute of Steel Structures at RWTH Aachen University is one of the largest European academic and research institutions working on steel, composite and lightweight structures. The institute has been involved in the development of various national standards and Eurocodes, e.g. EC0, EC1, EC3 and EC8. Prof. Benno Hoffmeister (RWTH) is also member of TC13 of the ECCS and is responsible for the development of seismic provisions for steel and composite structures in Germany

The Construction Engineering Research Group (CERG) of UHasselt, under the supervision of Prof. H. Degee (formerly active at University of Liege, Belgium), is a very recent and fast-growing research group focusing essentially on the consequences of specific requirements such as thermal and acoustic performances, exceptional loading or dismantling on the structural design and on the construction techniques. In the context of his current and former affiliations, H. Degee has been for a long time active at European level in the field of Steel Structures and Earthquake Engineering (numerous RFCS or other research projects). He is also member of the Belgian mirror committees for Eurocodes 3, 4 and 8. The modelling tasks will also be supervised by Prof. Bram Vandoren, specialist in numerical methods.

ADIGESYS is specialised in the production of combined laser cutting machines for tubes and sheet metal and of laser cutting machines for big tubes with 50 years of experience. It offers wide range of solutions with highest expertise and skills in tube processing technology, with thousands of applications all over the world. ADIGESYS will provide the fundamental laser cutting technology know-how, and be involved in the preparation of test specimens, using its laser cutting machines.

OCAM Srl annually produces approximately 8.000/10.000 tons of steel structures with prevailing architectural character, to construct buildings with complicated shapes and geometries, enabling the company to successfully solve the on-site problems. It has participated and is participating in research projects financed by the European Community intended to implement structural steel / concrete on the basis of the new Technical Standards for Construction, in conjunction with the University of Pisa, University of Camerino and other European like: PRECASTEEL, INNO-HYCO and MEAKADO. CEO of OCAM srl since 1996, Mr. Andrea Galazzi has 35 years of experience in the construction industry. He has made more than 1 million square meters of industrial and civil constructions.
Link: http://www.ocam.it/

A world leader in its markets with 2.3 millions of tons of steel shipped last year, VALLOUREC provides tubular solutions. Its tubes, connections and innovative services have made the most complex projects possible, from oil and gas wells in extreme environments to next generation power plants to bold architectural projects. In construction, numerous bridges, airports, stadiums, buildings and other innovative architectural projects rely on the exceptional strength and lightness of Vallourec’s tubular solutions. Vallourec relies on its six Research and Development centers worldwide and more than 500 engineers and technicians to maintain its technological leadership and meet its customers’ latest requirements. Since 2010, Vallourec has been a partner of the United Nations Global Compact, enforcing its fundamental principles which focus on human rights, labour standards, working conditions, the environment and the fight against corruption. Nearly 36% of the energy consumed by Vallourec in its manufacturing process is renewable, and 50% of steel used by Vallourec is sourced from recycled scrap. The group aims to achieve a waste recycling / recovery rate of 94.5% in 2015.